I am living....
Don’t get my post twisted.

I am full of joy. And hope. And love. I am eager, excited and ready for my future as I know I create it.
I have already manifested what I want and I’m moving as if it’s already mine. My post from the last few days may seem sad and I appreciate all the love and messages but I am not sad, broken, or depressed.
I am living.
I have 5 healthy beautiful children. I have amazing parents that love me and show me daily and one is in prison talk about dedication! I have an incredible team that inspires me to go harder daily. My mind is set on my money and improving my body and loving my kids. I share my story to encourage not for pity.
Let whoever say whatever as long as you keep getting better.
This is what new beginnings looks like. This is what healing looks like. It’s messy, but truly a beautiful thing .